中文 (第二版)
作者: 中国暨南大学华文学院

出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
主编: 达世平

<<汉语韵律会话>>是“易达汉语系列教材”的主干教材,是一套以海外青少年为主要教学对象的系列汉语口语教材,共8册,每册6个单元,每单元包括若干课。这套系列教材以交际功能为主线,课文采用富于韵律的语言编写,琅琅上口,便干记忆。“诵读”的教学方式将会极大地提高教学的趣味性和学生的学习积极性。本书配有录音光盘一张。 这套教材用于中文口语班 (IC 和 ICC 班)的教学。
Rhythmic Chants for Learning Spoken Chinese focuses on communicative functions, with an emphasis on repetitive vocabulary practices and progressive sequencing of the language structures. The most distinctive feature of this series is the rhyming texts, which allow students to read the texts aloud and memorize them easily. It comes with an audio CD to support learning development. The textbook is written in Simplified Chinese character, Pinyin and English. The textbook is for Introduction of Chinese (IC) and Introduction of Chinese for Children (ICC).IC/ICC Level 1 uses Vol. 1
IC/ICC Level 2 uses Vol. 2
IC/ICC Level 3 uses Vol. 3The teacher will also use other supplementary materials.
IC/ICC Level 2 uses Vol. 2
IC/ICC Level 3 uses Vol. 3The teacher will also use other supplementary materials.
Textbook for Chinese language class can be purchased on the first two (2) school days, as well as the last school day of each semester. Otherwise, please send request including your name, volume and amount needed via email to [email protected] by Friday. The school officer will bring your book to school on Sunday. The companion CD will be distributed to registered student during the semester with no extra charge.Textbook for SAT and other classes will be assigned by individual teacher. You could purchase it elsewhere.
《中文》教材可在每学期的第一、二周以及最后一周的售书日在校内购买。其它时间购书,您需将姓名、所需册名及数量在周五前用邮件发至[email protected],学校工作人员将在星期天将书带到学校。课件光盘将在开学后免费发给注册学生。