Great Wall Chinese School (GWCS) is a non-profit organization registered in the state of Pennsylvania. It is a member of CSAUS (Chinese School Association of United States). It is currently located at Rosemont College which is 20 miles west of Philadelphia. It was founded in January 1996 by a group of Chinese parents for the purpose of teaching their children the Chinese language and culture. The school grew rapidly from initially about twenty students to currently over 400 students. Enrollment is open not only to children from Chinese families, but also to children and adults whose native language is not Chinese. Currently, about 5% of the students are from English speaking families. An administration team, consisting of 5-13 parents who serve voluntarily, runs our school currently. All important policy issues are determined based on the decisions of the administration team. A school principal and the team members manage the routine operation of the school. The school also utilizes its Parents-On-Duty system to maintain low cost. Parents are encouraged to get involved in all school-related activities.
The mission of the Great Wall Chinese School is to provide a learning environment for students to study the Chinese language. It teaches simplified Chinese characters, PinYin (a Chinese phonetic system), and Mandarin. The school encourages students to cherish Chinese values and heritage, foster and enhance friendship among the Chinese-American community, contribute to the mutual understanding and appreciation of Chinese and other cultures, and enhance cultural exchange between China and the U.S.
长城中文学校的宗旨是推广中华语言文字,弘扬中华文化传统, 促进中美文化交流。教授以汉语拼音、简体汉字、普通话为主的现代汉语。学校积极参与社区活动,努力成为华人文化信息的传播中心,东西方文化交流的桥梁。
长城中文学校位于费城的西北郊Rosemont College校园内。设有中文、绘画、中国画、 民族舞蹈、及太极等与中国文化相关的课程,另外还有美国大学入学考试复习班。现有学生400多人。学校每周日上课,上课时间从上午10点至下午六点,学校的互联网主页是。